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High Street St shops and businesses. Error occured.

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We are very sorry but www.High.St is having a problem at the moment. We are working to fix it. The page(s) you have requested has produced an error. We are sorry about this, please use your 'back button' to return to the page you came from or use the breadcrumb trail links above to return to either the home page or the town index

The page you requested may no longer exist or there might be either a short-term or mid-term problem with the server that delivers the page. If the page was internal to this site, ie it started with:, then the error is probably transient in nature and it might be worth trying again. If you selected an external link to a shop or business then it is most likely that their website isn't functioning properly; we have no control over this situation. If the problem persists, please contact us and we will do our best to help.

The most common errors and their meanings are listed below: